Suggestions for improving

Importer for Amazon reviews

It would be great if I was able to use the app to import the reviews from my product pages.
Suggested by: DANIEL (07 Feb, '19) Upvoted: 19 Nov Comments: 38
Under consideration New Review Importer

[AliExpress Review Importer] AliExpress importer for WooCommerce

There are many woocommerce users, could you make a version to support woocommerce please? I tried many plugins, your team is the best! Anyway thank you for your help.
Suggested by: Nancy (19 Mar, '18) Upvoted: 12 Nov Comments: 16
Under consideration Review Importer for eBay

Additionally I have two eBay accounts, one under the same email as my Shopify store and another under a different email address
Suggested by: Suchi (08 Mar, '18) Upvoted: 17 Oct Comments: 7
Under consideration New Review Importer