Request for Limited Access Feature for Employees

4 votes

We at OrganicBazar have been using your platform integrated with our WooCommerce store and are quite satisfied with its functionalities. However, we've identified a need for a feature that currently doesn't exist: the ability to provide limited access roles to our employees.

As our team grows, it's becoming increasingly important to delegate tasks without compromising on security. Currently, the only option available is to provide full admin access, which poses a risk, especially if an employee leaves the organization.

Feature Request:

01-Limited Access Roles: Allow the creation of sub-admin roles with permissions that can be customized. For example, a 'Moderator' role that can only manage and approve reviews but cannot access sensitive settings or data.
02-Revocation of Access: A simple and quick method to revoke access for specific roles or individuals, ensuring that a departing employee can't misuse the platform.
We hope you'll consider adding these features in a future update.

Under consideration Suggested by: shekhar Kushwaha Upvoted: 02 May Comments: 1

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