Our customers made these suggestions for improving Judge.me. Suggestions for improving Judge.me.
Google Seller Ratings: Would like to see shop reviews in paid google ads
It'd be beneficial to be able to show the ratings in google adwords.
Importer for Amazon reviews
It would be great if I was able to use the app to import the reviews from my Amazon.com product pages.
Filter reviews by language
Make available to filter by review language. Since the multi-language sites are increasing on shopify, reviews will be posted by multi-language.
Postscript SMS Integration
I'd love for you to integrate with Postscript. It's an app that I use for SMS marketing. I know other colleagues who use it, as well. I think it would be a great ...
Disable review request for repeat orders
We would like to request a feature that allows store owners to disable the automated review request email for customers that have made multiple purchases. We have a ...
Better support for Point of Sale (POS) orders: automatic review requests, store location variable
Customer Email/phone numbers are added after payment of Shopify Point of Sale orders which stops Judge.me from automating a review request email. However, if ...
Integration to Shopify Email
Show product Reviews in Shopify Email, add review testimonials there and showing the rating oft the shop would be awesome.
Integration of Judge.me and Rise.ai gift card
I would like to suggest this because if I can give $X amount of store credits to my customers to encourage them to leave a review, the review rate will have a huge ...
Add Single Product Reviews to Bundle SKU's
Can we group individual products into a group in a one way fashion? For instance. We have 5 different sku's that we have listed individually as well as combined in a ...
Aftership integration for WooCommerce plugin
Have the same integration from Shopify where 'order delivery' becomes available with Aftership integration.
Using Multiple Review Carousels featuring different reviews per carousel
I was exploring the Judge.me Review Carousel feature and realised very quickly that we can only have a single review carousel. Here's how we were imagining we can use ...
Trim plugin's javascript to increase mobile performance
Your reviews app is really awesome and support is fantastic. But there’s one thing which is not so good – your script is really heavy. It’s 84 KB, which accounts for ...
‘Super reviewer’ opinions
I would love to have a special badge for 3-5 reviewers that will review all products. I run a tea business and would love to have something like that.
Judge.me for eBay
Additionally I have two eBay accounts, one under the same email as my Shopify store and another under a different email address
Integrate with Google to display reviews on Google Business profile
Add functionality to feed product reviews to the reviews section of the Google Business Profile.
Allow admin to receive email notifications for negative reviews only
For example, suppose we want to receive an email notification, but only when a user leaves a 1, 2, or 3 star review? Right now, it seems this is not possible. We ...
Add Integration With Vend POS
We want Judge.me to be integrated with Vend POS cloud software so that orders placed at our retail outlet through Vend POS are automatically synced with Judge.me and ...
Collection rating widget with the # of reviews and average review score per collection
Add a collection rating that has the average review score and # of reviews for all products in that collection.
It would give you a rating out of five for all ...
TikTok integration
Would LOVE to see video reviews from TikTok, this is where most of my customer base is from and where they share their feedback.
Integrate with Ecwid
I have been using this with woocommerce with success and now have moved to Ecwid cart, Love to see you there
Add integration with Interakt for whatsapp reviews
I would like to use the interakt whatsapp platform to send review notifications to customers.
Please enable this integration feature.
Minimum Review Characters
I've got a few customers who like to leave a review of "." or "sdgsdfhdsfgfd"
Would it be possible to add a 'minimum review length' option to submissions? Or a way ...